1 In Lifestyle

DIY Valentine’s Day Card Sets

When it comes to holiday cards I know there are  loads of store-bought options to choose from and craft sets that can produce impressive results.

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When I think of Valentine’s Day, I think of homemade carts, baked suites and flowers from a garden.

The kids and I decided to create our own set of Valentine’s Cards for them to pass out at school. We even decided to seal them with wax to make it extra special.


Here is what you will need:


1. A set of plain cards and envelopes. I went with a parchment and pink set.
2. A stamp set that you like. I went with a Paris stamp set that were useful for Valentine’s Day Themes.
3. Ink pad for the stamps. I used basic black.
4. An elegant pen writer. I went with black and a 2.0mm fine tip. This pen will make your handwriting look effortlessly elegant.
5. Wax and a seal in a design you like. I went with a heart seal. (You can find this at your craft store in the wedding department.)

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Use the stamps however you feel best suits the card, and then use the elegant pen for names and Valentine’s Day wishes. I used a crown for the front of the envelope with the child’s name, and then sealed it with the wax.


Note: Make sure you have both wet and dry napkins on hand so that you can clean the excess ink from the stamp after a couple of uses. This will help eliminate any smudging that could happen and mar your stamp’s impression on the card.

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    February 7, 2011 at 10:01 pm

    Cute cute cute! I need to melt wax and stamp it immediately!

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