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A Charming DIY Easter Basket for a Boy

Boys Easter Basket

This is a super easy Easter Basket that I made for my son. I think it’s fun but still boyish!

Follow these 6 easy steps to create this adorable Easter basket for your son, grandson or nephew!

What you’ll need:
A Basket, Ribbon for weaving through basket and wrapping the handle, accent color in a gauze ribbon (I like dark brown), Hot Glue Gun, and little embellishments (eggs, bunnies, owls, and birds or whatever you find.


Step 1: Weave the ribbon in and our of the basket in 2 rows.

Basket Ribbon

Step 2: In the center of the basket glue the ribbon (without weaving) around the basket.
Basket Middle Ribbon

Step 3: With the same ribbon wrap the handle securing it at the ends with the hot glue gun.

Basket Ribbon Handle

Step 4: For the trim cut strips of the gauze ribbon and double knot it all around the top part of the basket.

Basket Brown Trim Tie

Step 5: Trim the gauze ribbon to a shorter length and fan it out.

Basket Brown Cut Trim

Step 6: For the finishing touch attach the little nest and bird to the side or whatever embellishment you have for your basket.

adornments for basket

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